Nederlandse titel proefschrift Revitaliseren van onthulling: een grounded theory over het veranderen van overtuigingen betreffende onthulling in de geestelijke gezondheid
Engelse titel proefschrift Revitalising disclosure: a grounded theory of changing beliefs about disclosure in mental health
Promovendus Brugmans, Johan
Gepromoveerde is verpleegkundige (geweest)
Universiteit Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Datum promotie 02/07/2020
Promotores Prof. dr. S.J. Magala & prof. dr. L.C.P.M. Meijs
Abstract (Engels)

Revitalising disclosure is a theory that emerged during research conducted in two organisations in mental health with the grounded theory methodology.
Beliefs about disclosure change, catalysed by experts by experience. In this dissertation, the process is described that leads to revitalising disclosure.

Proefschrift downloaden (Engels) Proefschrift-Brugmans-J.pdf


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